Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tell Me Something Good

Soo... (dramatic pause) it's been a long time... but I'm back by popular demand. Well not so much popular demand because I only have two followers but you get my point. =)

I apologize for my long absence. I admit it- I got discouraged and quit for a second... well maybe a minute... but I'm back for good I promise.

So what had happened was... I wasn't in love with anything I had written and I started to doubt me and my writing ability and the relevance of this blog... Minor setback, I'm good now.

Anyway, I want this little journey with Me, Myself, and Jesus to include you and you (shout out to my two followers) and the millions who will read this blog in the future. (I'm "speaking those things that are not as though they were," MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS). =)

I want this journey to be personal enough that you get to know me but not so personal that it's just TMI (too much information). However, the most important thing is I want it to minister to you (well there's more than one of you so) yall.  It's no secret I love, love, love Jesus. He's the best and if you don't know Him then I think you should. So my goal, each and every day, with each and every entry is to introduce Him to some and present Him and His Word others. My mission is ministry, but not in the traditional sense... instead of preaching from a pulpit I'm typing from my house. Same message, different method of delivery. Jesus commissioned Christians to spread the Good News to the world not just to the people in our church. I feel like this way anyone with internet access can read and study the Word right along with me.

I have yet to achieve the balance that I'm looking for with being personal and fun yet relevant spiritually but I'm working on it. I know the more I write the better I'll get at it and soon I'll fall in love with what I do but in the meantime I need to you to, "Tell Me Something Good." (I know yall know something 'bout Chaka Khan, LOL.) Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be good but just talk back to me. Let me know that you're out there. Become a follower. Comment on my entries. Tell me what you like or what you dislike. (Be nice though please.) Add your perspective... Just let the Spirt lead you.

So I'm excited. I'm excited to be writing again but more importantly I'm excited because my journey now includes Me, Myself, and Jesus AND YOU!!! =)

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